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The backbone to a healthy business is a stable and fast database to house all of its data. The importance of this cannot be overstated as databases that break down constantly or lack of access hurts business and the bottom line. With the advent of ever-expanding data, having a database with the capabilities to expand and scale-out is advantageous to the business.

With the advent of smarter databases with fewer steps to take, today’s databases are becoming more expand-friendly to companies. A good database will have a peer-to-peer distributed system and simple architecture to grow with the business as needed. Automatic sharding with no replica-sets is also conducive to an expanding database system.

The need for adaptive and ever-changing databases loom large on the horizon. The sheer amount of data that are processed and analyzed on a daily basis will cause you to do a double-take. The need for a simple and flexible database platform is here and companies should do their due diligence to find a reputable platform that will work best for their evolving needs.