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DNS Active Failover Extending Resiliency to the User Edge
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Did you know that according to one 2017 report on internet traffic, “78 percent of organizations surveyed reported having at least four website disruptions a month, and 15 percent experience ten or more?”

Did you know that in the same report, “65 percent of organizations say that it takes them over an hour to resolve a single issue of website disruption?”

When websites are down, the cost to regain uptime is extremely high. In fact, for small to midsize companies, just one hour of downtime can cost over $300,000 on average. In other cases, for larger companies, one hour of downtime can cost upwards of $5 million.

The effects of a slow response time can have a huge negative impact including loss of customers and a brand reputation of being unreliable.

To resolve such issues, it is critical to ensure a DNS Active Failover is in place beforehand to make sure business continuity is possible.

Active Failover is a DNS service that diverts traffic to a healthy endpoint whenever there is a disruption in service. When there is an outage, the system automatically reroutes the traffic to a different location (known as an endpoint).

If the IP address, time interval, and location are all selected, active failover will consistently monitor it. It is set up to check on the service endpoint by running protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, TCP protocols, and Ping.

Providing a great user experience for customers is always the topmost goal. The best way to do that is to ensure a well-developed digital business continuity strategy.

Before bad things happen, learn how DNS active failover can ensure real-time failover to healthy endpoints. If you want to know how to extend your business continuity solution to the user edge, click the link below for more information.