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3 Tips for Better Sales Performance Dashboards
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Every sales manager wants his team to perform successfully. This means making the very best decisions and closing the very best deals in every quarter.

To do this, you keep an eye on the numbers, the data, the goals chart, and the bottom line. You don’t want to get to the end of any quarter and discover your team failed to meet its target.

But one critical component is missing from your efforts: the sales dashboard. While often overlooked, it is one of the most vital tools in a sales manager’s arsenal. It offers insights into individual sales pipeline performance and generates useful information to make important decisions.

Getting teams hooked on the sales dashboard will energize organizational alignment and hold both sales managers and sales representatives equally accountable for identifying pipeline opportunity, boosting pipeline performance, and ensure product profitability.

If you have ever analyzed your Salesforce data for hours or were curious about which products would perform the best on the market, dashboards can be an effective way to view all information in one integrated place.

There are several ways in which you can get the most from your sales performance dashboards. Here are just a few of them:

First, know your data.

Find out where your data lives, what it looks like, and where it likes to go to get its information. If your sales system is not streamlined to process information as it becomes available, you can end up with processing errors, misinterpreting the date, or missing the mark the entire quarter.

Second, optimize for a single source of truth.

Sales data alone is not enough to make an informed decision about overall sales performance and profitability. Data blending, also called data mash-up, is the process by which data is combined from multiple sources into a common field. This way, everyone can see the big picture on demand.

Third, choose metrics that matter.

The metrics for your dashboard should be relevant to your sales goals. This allows for your entire team to stay focused on objectives. Match and measure key performance indicators, make KPIs actionable, and select metrics that affect performance.