3 Reasons an Integrated System Is Better
An increasing number of organizations are deploying integrated IT systems as a means of simplifying infrastructures and consolidating data and internal and external communication.
Integrated systems offer the infrastructure to run applications but organizations must still manually manage those applications to ensure security and scalability.
As a result, integrated hardware and software systems are playing a major role in helping companies cut cost while simultaneously meeting business needs of performance, adaptability, and security.
Business give 3 priorities for choosing an integrated system over a best-of-breed system:
#1 Business performance
A recent survey found, “67% of responders report that better access to real-time, business-critical data would help them meet their evolving business needs.”
#2 Adaptability
“62% of responders report that ‘upgrades, changes, and deployments must go more smoothly.’”
#3 Security
“57% of responders report that ‘they must be confident of overall security.’”
Integrated systems enhance an organization’s ability to adapt to change and maintain a competitive edge in an increasingly digital business context.