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The Future of Team Working
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Hi! My name is Chase and I’m an HR professional.

The reality of work today requires lots of continuous, real-time teamwork that always takes into account the bigger picture. Teamwork is not only essential to improve business outcomes but is becoming more valuable than ever before.

As organizations, today pursue continuous improvement across a wide range of functions, driven by customers, partners, suppliers, and investors, teamwork requires more than a conscious willingness to innovate. It calls for an array of enabling technologies.

Let’s take a look at some enabling technologies organizations must implement to reap the rewards of effective team-working


Video not only adds even more depth to the quality of interaction between team members but makes interactions more real and meaningful, and can even help build understanding and cooperation. Phone-enabled tools are particularly effective means of improving the quality of communication amongst team members.

Document Sharing

When all members involved in a project have access to the latest version of any document, it reduces the risk of multiple versions being created, while at the same time allowing everyone to collaborate regardless of time zone or availability.

Chat-Centered Workspace

A chat-centered workspace allows teams to pull in the content and tools that they need for quick access to information and provides greater immediacy combined with the receiver’s option to respond when convenient. Chat-centered workspaces also allow employees to communicate in the moment through private chats or meetings for smaller group conversations.

The future of team-working today depends on the ability for companies to ensure seamless functionality of all team-working tools at the organization.

If you want to learn more about the future of team-working, click the link below for more information.