In the past, the line between common employees and contingent workers was very clear. But as time has gone on the line has become a blur. The economic downturn of 2008 made way for the realization of the importance of the contingent workforce in business. Today, nearly 38% of the total workforce are non-employee workers.
The mindset of the future workers has changed to reflect that of the contingent workforce. Such as flexible hours, working online, mobility, and more. Skills and talent have become more important than cost. The non-employee workforce, the talent, are not slowing down so the rest of the workforce is trying to keep up. It’s time to connect the traditional and non-traditional workforces. With the growth of the contingent workforce, this group needs some sort of management, and that can be done by the traditional workforce. It’s time for a total workforce management.
With total workforce management, each side brings a lot of value such as:
Talent visibility
Have total workforce management allows you to connect the right talent with the project. You would save money by doing things right the first time, as well as save time by having a skilled professional do the work.
Better decision-making
Have both traditional employees and non-employees, such as independent contractors and counselors, makes decision-making so much easier. You will have all the input you need, knowing the pros and cons of each decision and how to implement it.
Decreased labor costs
Business leaders will be able to find the best combination of employee and non-employees to save money and increase productivity. There may be some positions that are not necessary every day, maybe just at certain times. In this case, it might be beneficial to have a pay-per-piece contingent worker hired.
If this becomes reality, the business world will be exceedingly different. Businesses will be able to become more productive, there will be an even bigger increase in the contingent workforce, and the world of talent will be much different. If you want to learn more about the changing world of talent, you need to read this.