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How Personalized, Real Time Offers Say All the Right Things
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Each day, millions of people have conversations around different topics. Families talk about what they’re going to eat for dinner. Couples decide where to go on vacation together. Schools decide how many students they can handle. Companies talk about their budgets for the year. People talk about what to do, where to go, when to go, how to get there, and why it is all so important. Life is a continuous conversation about many different things.

Personalization is a strategy for real-time communication. It is the way companies communicate with customers. It is also how companies listen to their current and potential customers and respond in kind to their needs. Without listening and meeting customer needs, companies cease to thrive.

When companies aim at personalized conversations with their customers, they offer real-time messages wherever customers are and right when they need it most. Laptops, screens, smartphones, smartwatches, and point-of-sale displays are all mechanisms by which companies and customers communicate about what is needed or wanted and who is the best to provide it.

Personalized, real-time communication is not as hard as it sounds. To get started with it well, ask yourself these questions:

#1 Is your company aligned across teams to support the customer’s journey?

#2 Does your company have a solid data foundation that unifies customer data across channels?

#3 Do you have the tools to send the best offer to your audience once you have this valuable data?

If you want to know how to change your physical workspace, share knowledge across all levels, and unify your team with a common goal of serve in the customers’ best interest, click the link below for more information.